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Lennard-Jones Centre

About the Lennard-Jones Centre

The LJC brings together researchers from different departments across the University of Cambridge with a common interest in materials and molecular modelling. Our core aim is to foster an inclusive environment from which new ideas and collaborations can emerge. We take “materials and molecular modelling” to be loosely defined, but some of our interests include quantum mechanical systems, exploration of high-dimensional landscapes, and the interfaces between materials.

We run a discussion group with talks every Monday at 2pm. These talks cover a range of topics across electronic structure, statistical mechanics, and machine learning. If you are interested in presenting, please contact LJC-Admin. We also run informal lunches and networking events: if you are interested in keeping up to date with these, sign up to our mailing list.

We take our name from a pioneer of computational modelling, Sir John Lennard-Jones, who was instrumental in building one of the first mechanical and soon after electronic computers at Cambridge University. We are part of the JC Maxwell node of CECAM, the community of atomistic modelling researchers in Europe.