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Lennard-Jones Centre


The Lennard-Jones Centre (LJC) was established with the aim of bringing together those across different departments across Cambridge with an interest in materials modelling. In recent times, however, its activities have not reflected the strength and depth of research in this area within the University: this is set to change.

From 4th October, a new series of short seminars is planned, which will run every Monday at 4pm. These seminars will comprise a mix of internal and external speakers, and cover topics across electronic structure, statistical mechanics and machine learning. In the spirit of interdepartmental and interdisciplinary collaboration that the LJC aims to foster, with this new series we have merged previous seminar/discussion groups into one (notably this LJC seminar series now merges the electronic structure, statistical mechanics, and machine learning discussion groups).

We will adopt a hybrid format, with an in-person focus on the first Monday of every month, provided it can be done safely. This is to fulfil one of the core aims of the LJC: to literally bring together those with similar interests, and foster an inclusive environment from which new ideas and collaborations can emerge. (Snacks and drinks will also be provided as an extra incentive!)

Creating an ecosystem that allows materials modelling here in Cambridge to really flourish requires more than just seminars though, and we hope to organise informal lunches, a student day and (down the line) workshops. Further details will follow soon.

The provisional LJC organisers

Upcoming Events

Summer School 2024:

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Upcoming Monday Seminars

There are no upcoming talks currently scheduled in this series.