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Lennard-Jones Centre


Bridging Time and Length Scales in Molecular and Materials Modelling 

Lennard-Jones Centre Summer School 2024 

A summer school hosted by the LJC at the University of Cambridge. 

The school will be held 2nd – 6th September 2024 in Christ’s College

By the end of the school, participants will have acquired the basic skills needed to understand and perform simulations across a broad range computational methods that reflect the interdisciplinary nature of modern research.  

In particular, the school will cover: 

  • Density functional theory, with applications to the solid-state and interfaces 

  • Wavefunction methods for molecular electronic structure theory 

  • Molecular dynamics methods, with applications to solid-liquid interfaces 

  • Energy landscapes and free energy methods 

  • Machine Learned Interatomic Potentials; statistical sampling with ab initio accuracy 

The content will be a combination of lectures and hands-on practical sessions, and pitched at a level appropriate for students either about to start a PhD, or in the early stages of their graduate studies. 

The school will be delivered by members of the LJC, including: 

  • Kieron Burke
  • Hugh Burton
  • Gábor Csányi 
  • Kara Fong
  • Chris Pickard
  • David Wales

Places have now been offered to applicants. However, if you are interested, please contact Lisa Masters at to be added to the reserve list. Applications should include your full name, affiliation, and a very brief description of your research interests. If you are currently on, or are about to start, a PhD program, please also give the name of your supervisor, and state how long you have been enrolled in your PhD program. 

The registration fee of £600 includes five nights’ accommodation in Christ’s College with breakfast and lunch. The optional conference dinner is an additional £50.

The registration fee without accommodation is £150 (includes lunch). The optional conference dinner is an additional £50.


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Summer School 2024:

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